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When To Score Unsold Hotel Rooms

Did you know that there are over 1.8 million Unsold Hotel Rooms in North America every night? Unfortunately, for hotel owners, this lost revenue cannot be recouped. That’s why they work with websites like UNSOLD Hotel Rooms™, Priceline®, Booking.com®, Agoda®, and other leading sites to offer these last-minute deals at slashed prices.

It’s always better to fill a room, even if the nightly rate is reduced, than to have an empty space. That way, the maids are getting tips and keeping busy, the room service attendants and cooks are making money, hotels are earning on pay-per-view movies and other extras, and some revenue is generated to offset operating costs.

Rather than search each individual bargain bin separately, you can visit www.Unsold-Hotel-Rooms.com, which will search hotels and compile information from the other leading travel sites.  Unsold-Hotel-Rooms.com organizes the special discounted unsold room rates so you can compare offers side-by-side from the leading hotel booking sites for a more user-friendly and concise way to shop for unsold hotel rooms.

That being said, some times of the year are better for unsold hotel rooms than others. This fall, several destinations were dramatically slashing the rates of unsold hotel rooms and airfares. Rochester, New York saw rate decreases of 12 percent, earning the top travel destination spot.

Other contenders include Chattanooga, Tennessee; Boise, Idaho; Santa Fe, New Mexico; and Williamsburg, Virginia. As far as airfare is concerned, you’ll find deals going to Knoxville, Tennessee; Kahului, Hawaii; Phoenix, Arizona; Boise, Idaho; and Chicago, Illinois. Statistically speaking, the cheapest time of the calendar year to travel is the first few weeks of the New Year, after the hustle and bustle of the holidays is traditionally over.

Another great time to find unsold hotel rooms is the month of April, which is a great time to travel to destinations like Flagstaff, Arizona and San Antonio, Texas. Flagstaff, Arizona generally sees a 9 percent drop in activity just before or after Spring Break, so why not round up the family to hike the Grand Canyon, hit a spa in Sedona or golf in Northern Arizona?

San Antonio, Texas experiences a 5 percent drop in hotel activity this time of year, making it the ideal destination to learn a bit of US history, with the Alamo and pioneer towns nearby. Vancouver, which has a 3 percent drop in activity in early spring, is another Mecca for unsold hotel rooms, as is Syracuse, New York, which sees the largest decline in room rates at 23 percent.

For guaranteed lowest prices, consumer reviews, maps and the web’s best amenities search, do your unsold hotel rooms shopping at www.Unsold-Hotel-Rooms.com.


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